
Market Monitor ICT Italia 2019

Market Monitor

  • Italia
  • ICT

18 giugno 2019

Market Monitor ICT Italia 2019

Il segmento italiano dei grossisti e del commercio al dettaglio dell'ICT è influenzato negativamente dalla concorrenza, dalla forte pressione sui margini e dai problemi di gestione della liquidità.

Trading briefs

In questa sezione sono disponibili articoli e approfondimenti su commercio e esportazione, analizzati con modalità diverse, dalla Mappa del Rischio Atradius, alle Export Practices, che illustrano le migliori prassi nell’attività di esportazione.

Tendenze settoriali nel mondo

Approfondite i rischi e le tendenze dei principali settori in oltre 30 paesi. Questa analisi si basa sulle informazioni raccolte dagli analisti Atradius.

Атрадиус Прогноза по индустрии


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    Mostrando  1121-1140 di 1425 elementi

    Market Monitor - ICT industry - Russia

    Market Monitor

    • Russia
    • ICT

    16 giugno 2016

    Currently all Russian electronics / ICT subsectors face major troubles, especially those retailers and wholesalers that trade in foreign currency.

    Industry match-ups France vs Romania

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Francia ,
    • Romania
    • Costruzioni

    06 giugno 2016

    Still a red card: many payment delays, and construction insolvencies in both France and Romania are expected to remain on a very high level in 2016.

    Industry match-ups Wales vs Slovakia

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Slovacchia ,
    • Regno Unito
    • Trasporti

    06 giugno 2016

    A draw in sector comparison, as both the Slovakian and the UK automotive industry show a robust performance. Payment behaviour is generally good.

    Industry match-ups Belgium vs Ireland

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Belgio ,
    • Irlanda
    • Alimentare

    06 giugno 2016

    In both countries the food industry is scoring abroad, as exports have emerged as the main driving force of sales. However, some subsectors face problems.

    Industry match-ups England vs Russia

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Russia,
    • Regno Unito
    • ICT

    06 giugno 2016

    An uneven match, given that the British ICT industry is doing rather well, while the Russian ICT sector is caught in a downturn, with many insolvencies.

    Industry match-ups Spain vs Czech Republic

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Repubblica Ceca,
    • Spagna
    • Chimico

    06 giugno 2016

    The Spanish chemicals sector shows a strong team performance, while competition is high for Czech chemicals businesses. Producers prices have decreased.

    Industry match-ups Spain vs Turkey

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Spagna ,
    • Turchia
    • Trasporti

    06 giugno 2016

    Spain remains a heavyweight in the automotive playing field, while the sector faces troubles in Turkey as domestic demand is expected to decrease further.

    Industry match-ups Germany vs Poland

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Germania,
    • Polonia
    • Costruzioni

    06 giugno 2016

    In Germany, poor payment behaviour of public buyers is an issue, while in Poland protracted payments are high. Overdue payments up to 30 days are common.

    Industry match-ups Belgium vs Italy

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Belgio ,
    • Italia
    • Meccanica

    06 giugno 2016

    The Belgian machines sector faces some troubles in the construction-related segment. Italian machinery scores abroad, but not yet in the domestic market.

    Industry match-ups Austria vs Hungary

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Austria,
    • Ungheria
    • Alimentare

    06 giugno 2016

    In both countries the food sector is scoring abroad, as exports emerged as the main driving force of sales. But some segments face fierce competition.

    European Football Championship Industry match-ups

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Austria,
    • Belgio ,
    • Trasporti,
    • Chimico,

    06 giugno 2016

    The Industry match-up reports analyse the risk situation/outlook in one industry for countries which are paired together in the Euro 2016 tournament.

    Global Economic Outlook - May 2016

    Economic Outlook

    • Algeria,
    • Angola,
    • Generale

    31 maggio 2016

    The turbulent waters that the global economy faced at the beginning of the year have calmed but the underlying issues persist.

    Payment Practices Barometer Eastern Europe 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Repubblica Ceca,
    • Ungheria ,
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 maggio 2016

    The economy in Eastern Europe is forecast to continue growing 1.1% this year. However, trade credit risk from foreign late payment is on the rise.

    Payment Practices Barometer Czech Republic 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Repubblica Ceca
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 maggio 2016

    Respondents in the Czech Republic (46.5%) seem to be most convinced that domestic B2B customers use outstanding invoices for their financial advantage.

    Payment Practices Barometer Hungary 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Ungheria
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 maggio 2016

    Hungarian respondents (76%) seem to be the hardest hit by late payment of domestic invoices due to customers’ insufficient funds (64% in Eastern Europe).

    Payment Practices Barometer Poland 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Polonia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 maggio 2016

    More respondents in Poland (around 30%) than in Eastern Europe (around 20%) are concerned about a worsening of the DSO figure over the next 12 months.

    Payment Practices Barometer Slovakia 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Slovacchia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 maggio 2016

    30% of respondents in Slovakia (18% in Eastern Europe) consider maintaining adequate cash flow as the biggest challenge to business profitability in 2016.

    Payment Practices Barometer Turkey 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Turchia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 maggio 2016

    Turkey has the highest domestic payment default rate in Eastern Europe, with 61.1% of the total value of domestic B2B invoices paid late (55.2% in 2015).

    A closer look at corporate debt in EMEs

    Ricerca Dipartimento Studi Economici

    • Brasile ,
    • Cina ,
    • Generale

    05 maggio 2016

    Atradius explores how rising corporate debt in EMEs affects corporate creditworthiness and identifies the most exposed countries and vulnerable sectors.

    Country Report Austria 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Austria
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    28 aprile 2016

    In 2015, Austrian business insolvencies decreased by 5%. However, in 2016 the pace of corporate insolvency decrease is expected to slow down to just 2%.


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