
Market Monitor ICT Italia 2019

Market Monitor

  • Italia
  • ICT

18 giugno 2019

Market Monitor ICT Italia 2019

Il segmento italiano dei grossisti e del commercio al dettaglio dell'ICT è influenzato negativamente dalla concorrenza, dalla forte pressione sui margini e dai problemi di gestione della liquidità.

Trading briefs

In questa sezione sono disponibili articoli e approfondimenti su commercio e esportazione, analizzati con modalità diverse, dalla Mappa del Rischio Atradius, alle Export Practices, che illustrano le migliori prassi nell’attività di esportazione.

Tendenze settoriali nel mondo

Approfondite i rischi e le tendenze dei principali settori in oltre 30 paesi. Questa analisi si basa sulle informazioni raccolte dagli analisti Atradius.

Атрадиус Прогноза по индустрии


Per Paese

Filtra per Paese

Per settore

Filtra per settore

per parola chiave

Filtro per parola chiave

    Mostrando  1041-1060 di 1425 elementi

    Payment Practices Barometer China 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Cina
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    Suppliers surveyed in China (38.2%) appear to be the most likely of all their peers in Asia Pacific to sell on cash terms to their B2B customers.

    Payment Practices Barometer Hong Kong 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Hong Kong
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    The highest percentage of the suppliers interviewed in Hong Kong (42%) reported that domestic B2B customers pay invoices late due to liquidity issues.

    Payment Practices Barometer India 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • India
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    As a consequence of late payment by B2B customers, 45% of suppliers surveyed in India reported they had to take specific measures to correct cash flow.

    Payment Practices Barometer Indonesia 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Indonesia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    Cost containment and cash flow position considered greatest challenges to business profitability by 18% of Indonesian suppliers (20% in Asia Pacific).

    Payment Practices Barometer Japan 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Giappone
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    Most of the suppliers surveyed in Japan (33%) reported that foreign late payment is most often a consequence of the complexity of the payment procedure.

    Payment Practices Barometer Singapore 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Singapore
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    Despite no variation in either domestic or foreign late payment rates, the average 46 days DSO recorded in Singapore is six days longer than last year.

    Payment Practices Barometer Taiwan 2016

    Barometro sui comportamenti di pagamento

    • Taiwan
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    19 ottobre 2016

    91% of respondents in Taiwan (88% at regional level) reported late payment of invoices by domestic and foreign B2B customers over the past year.

    Trade successfully with China 2016

    Investire con successo in

    • Cina
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    12 ottobre 2016

    China is a major economic and trading power. Trade successfully with China sets out ten simple-to-follow rules that can help make your trading relationships with China lasting and successful.

    Trade successfully with China webinar

    Investire con successo in

    • Cina
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    12 ottobre 2016

    On 15 November 2016, Atradius Credit Insurance hosted a webinar that looked at the opportunities available for trade with China and how to safely transact your business.

    Market Monitor Steel China 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Cina
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    Overcapacity remains the main challenge, as the rebalancing of the economy from investment and export-driven growth towards private consumption continues.

    Market Monitor Steel Germany 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Germania
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    The German steel and metals sector remains resilient with a competitive edge. However, major structural challenges and downside risks have increased.

    Market Monitor Steel India 2016

    Market Monitor

    • India
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    Benefits from domestic steel demand growth will be offset by limits to raise sales prices due to the global steel overcapacity and cheap imports.

    Market Monitor Steel Italy 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Italia
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    The Italian steel distributor segment has a large number of relatively small companies, which are still affected by weak demand and pressure on margins.

    Market Monitor Steel United Kingdom 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Regno Unito
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    Fierce competition, high energy costs and increased uncertainty due to the Brexit decision continue to weigh on the financial strength of many businesses.

    Market Monitor Steel Thailand 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Thailandia
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    Banks are less willing to provide loans to the steel sector, given the high default rate and the recent debt impairment from one big steel manufacturers.

    Market Monitor Steel USA 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Stati Uniti d'America
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    The US sector´s revenue performance remains negatively affected by the lower cost of imported steel and decreasing demand from the oil/gas industry.

    Market Monitor Steel Brazil 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Brasile
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    The steel sector remains severely impacted by the ongoing domestic economic downturn, high interest rates, inflation, and exchange rate volatility.

    Market Monitor Steel France 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Francia
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    A high level of competition, overcapacity and persistent low prices continue to affect revenues and margins of smaller French steel/metals traders.

    Market Monitor Steel Mexico 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Messico
    • Acciaio

    29 settembre 2016

    External risk factors for the Mexican steel industry remain the volatility of the currency exchange rate and the impact of international metals prices.

    Market Monitor Steel the Netherlands 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Paesi Bassi
    • Acciaio,
    • Metalli

    29 settembre 2016

    The Dutch steel and metals sector has benefitted from a rebound in the building sector, but at the same time demand from the energy sector has decreased.


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