
Market Monitor ICT Italia 2019

Market Monitor

  • Italia
  • ICT

18 giugno 2019

Market Monitor ICT Italia 2019

Il segmento italiano dei grossisti e del commercio al dettaglio dell'ICT è influenzato negativamente dalla concorrenza, dalla forte pressione sui margini e dai problemi di gestione della liquidità.

Trading briefs

In questa sezione sono disponibili articoli e approfondimenti su commercio e esportazione, analizzati con modalità diverse, dalla Mappa del Rischio Atradius, alle Export Practices, che illustrano le migliori prassi nell’attività di esportazione.

Tendenze settoriali nel mondo

Approfondite i rischi e le tendenze dei principali settori in oltre 30 paesi. Questa analisi si basa sulle informazioni raccolte dagli analisti Atradius.

Атрадиус Прогноза по индустрии


Per Paese

Filtra per Paese

Per settore

Filtra per settore

per parola chiave

Filtro per parola chiave

    Mostrando  1081-1100 di 1425 elementi

    Market Monitor - Machinery - United States 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Stati Uniti d'America
    • Meccanica

    18 agosto 2016

    US machinery businesses related to the oil/gas or the mining segments are affected by lower capital spending on purchasing machinery and equipment.

    Insolvency Forecasts August 2016

    Ricerca Dipartimento Studi Economici

    • Australia,
    • Austria,
    • Generale

    04 agosto 2016

    Insolvencies across advanced markets are forecast to be flat in 2016 and 2017.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - France 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Francia
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The French chemicals sector continues to grow in 2016, but high labour costs and strict regualtions remain a burden and global competition is strong.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Germany 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Germania
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    Most German chemicals businesses show robust solvency and liquidity figures, however in 2016 sales decline as producer prices continue to decrease.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Italy 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Italia
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The Italian chemicals industry benefits from a rebound in domestic demand, however businesses dependent on the construction sector still face higher risks.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - The Netherlands 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Paesi Bassi
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    Production is expected to rebound in 2016 after a 2.5% decrease in 2015, but Dutch chemcials businesses face increasing international competition.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Belgium 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Belgio
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The Belgian chemicals sector continues to grow, benefitting from structural resilience, but suffers from weakening competitiveness due to high labour costs.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Sweden 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Svezia
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The industry continues to grow in 2016, but the slowdown in key markets like China and Brazil could have a negative impact on some key subsectors.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - India 2016

    Market Monitor

    • India
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The outlook for the Indian chemicals industry is positive, but there are liquidity and solvency issues with businesses in the trade and wholesale segment.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Mexico 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Messico
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The sector is highly exposed to the price volatility of oil-derived commodities and foreign exchange fluctuations due the lack of refining capacities.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - United States 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Stati Uniti d'America
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The US chemicals sector performs well, but the energy and fuel/oil subsector is in trouble, mainly affecting smaller and regional players in this segment.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Turkey 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Turchia
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    The number of payment delays was high at the end of 2015, with financially weaker players leaving the market. Insolvencies are expected to level off.

    Market Monitor - Chemicals - Saudi Arabia 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Arabia Saudita
    • Chimico

    21 luglio 2016

    Non-payments and business failures have increased, and are expected to rise further in the coming months. Many businesses suffer from decreasing margins.

    European Football Championship Industry playing fields

    Industry Match-up Reports

    • Austria,
    • Belgio ,
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    The Industry Playing Fields provide a visual performance forecast for 14 different industries in countries paired together in the Euro 2016 tournament.

    MENA Country Report - Algeria 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Algeria
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    Lower GDP growth of 2.5% in 2016 and government budget hit by lower oil price. Public spending is curbed in order to trim the high budget deficit.

    MENA Country Report - Egypt 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Egitto
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    Weak economic situation and uncertain outlook as the security situation remains tense. Inflation is high and the business sentiment remains subdued.

    MENA Country Report - Jordan 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Giordania
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    A modest economic rebound expected in 2016, but fiscal consolidation remains difficult. Jordan remains heavily dependent on foreign donors support.

    MENA Country Report - Morocco 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Marocco
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    In 2016 economic growth will decrease to 3% due to less agriculture output and decreasing exports. In 2017 GDP is expected to rebound again, growing 4.5%.

    MENA Country report - Saudi Arabia 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Arabia Saudita
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    The economy still has room to absorb the oil price slump, but a long-term period of low oil prices would hurt. Economic diversification is on the agenda.

    MENA Country Report - Tunisia 2016

    Rapporto Paese

    • Tunisia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    08 luglio 2016

    A moderate economic rebound is expected in 2016 and 2017, given that the domestic security situation will not again hurt tourism and business sentiment.


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