
International Debt Collections Handbook

Guida "International Debt Collection"

  • Argentina,
  • Australia,
  • Agricoltura ,
  • Trasporti,

11 ottobre 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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    Mostrando  981-1000 di 1420 elementi

    Rapporto Paese Corea del Sud 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Corea del Sud
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    07 febbraio 2017

    Crescente incertezza politica dopo l'impeachment del Presidente, deboli consumi privati e le esportazioni verso la Cina inferiori pesano sulla crescita economica.

    Rapporto Paese Filippine 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Filippine
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    07 febbraio 2017

    La crescita del PIL dovrebbe rimanere ad un livello di circa il 6% nel 2017, ma è in crescita l'incertezza politica che potrebbe ostacolare la fiducia delle imprese e gli investimenti esteri.

    Rapporto Paese Singapore 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Singapore
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    07 febbraio 2017

    Nel 2017 l'andamento economico continua ad essere influenzato dalla debole domanda proveniente dalla Cina e altri paesi asiatici, ma i fondamentali rimangono forti.

    Country Report China 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Cina
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    The on-going economic slowdown, overcapacities and high indebtedness of many businesses will lead to further increasing business insolvencies in 2017.

    Country Report India 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • India
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    India’s economic growth outlook for 2017 remains robust, but a rather weak banking sector and high foreign indebtedness of domestic firms remain concerns.

    Country Report Indonesia 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Indonesia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    Despite an expected GDP growth rate of more than 5% in 2017 structural weaknesses remain, and firms are increasingly vulnerable to currency volatility.

    Country Report Japan 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Giappone
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    Subdued economic growth despite massive stimulus measures remains an issue, while exports are helped by a yen depreciation against the USD in 2017.

    Country Report Malaysia 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Malesia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    A prudent fiscal policy has limited the consequences of low oil and gas prices, but the economy is vulnerable to a hard landing of the Chinese economy.

    Country Report The Philippines 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Filippine
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    GDP growth is expected to remain at a level of about 6% in 2017, but growing political uncertainty could hamper business sentiment and foreign investment.

    Country Report Singapore 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Singapore
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    In 2017 the economic performance continues to be impacted by weaker demand from China and other Asian countries, but strong fundamentals remain.

    Country Report South Korea 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Corea del Sud
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    Growing political uncertainty after the president´s impeachment, subdued private consumption, and lower exports to China weigh on economic growth.

    Country Report Taiwan 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Taiwan
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    Growing competition from mainland China in the electronics sector require productivity increases and a diversification of the economy in the long-term.

    Country Report Thailand 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Thailandia
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    GDP is forecast to grow about 3% in 2017, but high household debt, inequality and low incomes will put downward pressure on consumption growth.

    Country Report Vietnam 2017

    Rapporto Paese

    • Vietnam
    • Agricoltura ,
    • Trasporti,

    31 gennaio 2017

    High growth of more than 6% in 2017, but economic fundamentals still show some weaknesses and Vietnamese businesses suffer from limited access to capital.

    Natural gas prices have reached a turning point

    Ricerca Dipartimento Studi Economici

    • Algeria,
    • Angola,
    • Generale

    24 gennaio 2017

    Gas prices have bottomed out and Atradius expects them to increase over the period up to 2021. Demand will be more moderate, but fueled primarily by China.

    I mercati più promettenti del 2017

    Ricerca Dipartimento Studi Economici

    • Colombia ,
    • India,
    • Generale

    13 gennaio 2017

    Atradius segnala i migliori mercati per le opportunità di business nel 2017. Questi mercati emergenti hanno dimostrato ottime prestazioni negli ultimi tre anni e si prevede potranno migliorare.

    The most promising markets of 2017

    Ricerca Dipartimento Studi Economici

    • Bulgaria,
    • Cile ,
    • Generale

    12 gennaio 2017

    Atradius picks the top most promising markets for business opportunities in 2017 due to previous strong performances and expected improvement in 2017.

    US developments put emerging markets on alert

    Ricerca Dipartimento Studi Economici

    • Algeria,
    • Angola,
    • Generale

    15 dicembre 2016

    Developments in the US related to the election of Donald Trump and its expected effect on the US monetary policy path and international trade introduce significant uncertainty for EMEs in 2017.

    Market Monitor Food Belgium 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Belgio
    • Alimentare

    02 dicembre 2016

    The demand situation is benign, but food businesses continue to suffer from margin pressure due to high labour and energy costs and stiff competition.

    Market Monitor Food Germany 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Germania
    • Alimentare

    02 dicembre 2016

    While German food exports continue to increase, domestic market conditions have become increasingly difficult. Overcapacity is an issue in some segments.


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