
Different markets require different surety bonds. Sensitive to market needs, we offer a variety of products, closely linked to local requirements and our customer needs.

As a leading supplier of surety bonds in Europe, we understand the complex needs of different customers. That is why we design solutions for businesses of various size and types, always with the goal of supporting your business performance and guiding you towards profitable growth. We know that, for example, in Scandinavian countries tourism laws require travel agencies and tour operators to guarantee their products and services with a surety bond. In European countries such as Italy, France and Germany, guarantees are required for construction and infrastructure works. In Denmark, bid bonds are used as security for a contractor to stand by its offer and provide the necessary guarantees when a contract is concluded.














London bridge Atradius bonding














We have been growing steadily in the last couple of years, with an annual growth of 5%. We have earned the trust of major corporates, which has propelled us as a leading surety bonds supplier in Europe. I believe this is thanks to our expertise and the flexibility we provide to our customers.

Pietro Lanzillotta | Director Bonding | Atradius
Pietro Lanzillotta
Director, Atradius Surety

Creating surety bonds and guarantees to suit your needs

Whatever your surety requirements are, we have the experience and knowledge to provide surety bonds tailored to your needs. Our wide range of surety products may help to strengthen your contractual relationships or secure compliance with regulatory bodies. Choose from a range of surety bonds relevant to your market: contract-, tax duty-, payment-,compliance-, or judicial and EU regulation bonds.

We are independent of banks and are proudly able to offer customised advice and flexibility.

In addition our products can secure your performance without requiring you to provide tangible assets, thus enhancing your liquidity.

Why choose Atradius Surety?

We offer a unique surety partnership, able to support your business both locally and internationally.

Atradius is a multinational surety bonds provider with local service orientation. At Atradius Surety we:

  • look after your surety needs, quickly and professionally
  • maintain customer-focused approach
  • have long standing bonding expertise and in-depth market knowledge
  • are able to craft tailor-made solutions that fit your needs and business goals

Do you want to learn more about Atradius Surety? Visit our Surety webpage and find out more.

Surety expertise in local markets

Find out more about how we can support your surety needs in your local market.











































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