Amicable Debt Collections

We help you promote and retain positive working relationships with your customers by providing non-contentious solutions through our amicable commercial debt collection services.

Chasing payment is both a problem and an opportunity. At Atradius Collections, we focus on the opportunity. A payment plan or brokered negotiations often lead to more positive outcomes than expensive litigation. That’s why you can trust the experts to recover your debt. 

There is no single reason why an invoice may remain unpaid, therefore we believe there should be no single approach to resolving the debt.

Get obligation-free quote

Receive an obligation-free quote based on the amount of money that needs to be recovered.

Agora Debt Collection Online Commercial Debt Collection

Provide us with the following essential details to receive your instant quote

  • Your company name and country
  • Your debtor’s name and country
  • Information about the debt

All prices are based on successfull collection and presented in the quote before your submit a case. We have 100% transparent pricing, so you will know the minimum and maximum you will pay for our services – with no hidden costs. ​



Need continuous collection services?

We are there as your partner in B2B debt collections, legal and accounts receivable outsourcing – no matter the size or organizational structure of your business.

Get in touch with us to learn how we can assist you.  

Start a debt collection case online







Agora - 3 step process































You can now start a debt collection case completely online with our debt recovery system.
Simply provide your company details, details of your nonpayer and supporting documents to start collections process. After placing a debt, you can easily keep track of your case progress online as well as communicate your dedicated case manager.

Submit a debt collection case

Amicable Debt Collections benefit your business
















Amicable Debt Collections
















  • Leave the debt recovery to us and focus on your business
  • Average global success rate of 79.3% 
  • We work hard to retain your positive business relationships
  • We seek amicable solutions to avoid the extra costs involved with litigation
  • Our professional team is always ready to support you through dispute resolution and litigation.

Debt collection made easy with Atradius:



































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Working with your debtors worldwide

We collect your debts in 96% of the world’s countries using our international network of debt collection professionals. They have the same spoken language as your nonpayers, and are well-versed in local laws and collection procedures.



































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Clear overview of your debts

When you place your debt with Atradius Collections, you have the backing of one of the world’s most integrated collections networks. You will be able to place and monitor your debt collection at any time. That frees you from chasing debts across different time zones, languages and jurisdictions.



































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Receive your recovered funds direct to your bank account

You never have to wait long to receive your recovered funds. We make prompt payment of any multi-currency funds we collect for you directly into your account, and without delay.



































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Experienced professionals that guide you every step of the way

If the amicable process does not work, we explore other options with you. These may include first-party collections, collection plan monitoring and dispute registration and resolution. We provide you with the best legal options to tackle recovery of your debt.


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