How it works

Outsourcing the management of accounts receivable

Have all your accounts receivable (AR) managed the way you want, in your name.


  • Effective Communication

Our efforts are carried out in your name and in the native languages of your customers.

  • Innovative Technology

​​We manage all your AR based on your customers’ previous payment behaviour.

  • Customized Processes

We tailor emails, letters, phone calls, and more to your needs and requirements.

  • Customised reports and dashboard

You can monitor our activities and export extensive data anytime, including DSO and ageing analyses.


accounts receivable assignment

You assign all your AR to us by sharing their details and correspondence so far.

Based on your requirements, we establish the optimal number of strategies and their details to best manage your AR. These include the activities we’ll perform before the due dates and after the due dates, when we’ll need to escalate, and what the escalation will be.


accounts receivable before due date

Acting as your local team, our in-house, locally-based AR experts contact your customers to remind them to pay at the right time, with the right approach.


accounts receivable due date

Acting as your local team, our in-house, locally-based AR experts contact your customers to remind them to pay their overdue invoices at the right time, with the right approach.

We also:

  • Answer your customers' calls and questions about their invoices
  • Identify and keep track of your customers' reasons for payment delays or non-payment
  • Keep track of payment promises and make sure your customers fulfil them
  • Negotiate and facilitate payment plans


accounts receivable escalation

After a specified period, we’ll escalate our AR Management Outsourcing by using the methods you approved.

If the escalation is giving your customers a final chance to settle their invoices before you use third-party collections, we’ll send them a letter or email in our name – Atradius Collections – to give them a diplomatic yet firm final warning.

If the escalation is using third-party collections to collect the overdue AR, we’ll start our amicable collections process duly and perform collections activities in our name.

Speak to our experts

Would you like to know more about how outsourcing receivables can benefit your company? Simply fill in the contact form below with your consultation request or question and we will contact you shortly.


*You need to be a business entity in order to make use of our services.
*We only collect commercial debts - both you and your debtor(s) need to be business entities. We DO NOT collect personal debts.
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Benefits of Outsourced A/R Management 

Working on accounts receivable in a global environment can be challenging for many different reasons including, time difference, language barriers or retaining talent.

Our personalized service enables you to outsource the reminder services just after due date of invoices.

✔  We execute the entire reminder process

✔  Customize our process to streamline your collection process

✔  Monitor the delivery and efficiency of processes

✔  Register disputes and monitor payment plan

Man handing over a cheque | Atradius

Per saperne di più

Accounts Receivable Management Support

Accounts Receivable Support Services

Our accounts receivable support services offer improved management of your AR tailored to your needs.

Accounts Receivable Management Outsourcing

Accounts Receivable Outsourcing

Outsourcing your accounts receivable management to us puts you in control, while we handle the work.

Customer Service | Atradius

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