
How Covid-19 changed global trade forever

As the Covid-19 crisis sent the world into recession, a decade’s worth of unexpected – and at times unprecedented – changes to the trade landscape occurred within months. Amongst these are the long-term impact of the pandemic on the world’s supply chains, the continuous renegotiation of trade tariffs, the rebalancing of world trade relationships, and the growing trends towards trade digitalisation and de-globalisation.

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Simply fill in the form to watch the video recording or download the summary report "How Covid Changed Global Trade Forever". Our virtual interactive events are designed to help your business understand the new international trade environment, navigate trade credit risks and identify business growth opportunities.

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How Covid-19 changed global trade forever

The Covid-19 recession has profoundly affected the global trade environment, bringing about some long-term changes that some commentators believe are here to stay, reshaping global trade forever. In this new trade environment, what are the business growth opportunities?

Daisy McAndrew (former Economics Editor and Chief Political Correspondent for ITV News) will moderate discussions on this subject in our Virtual Event Series. The first event features:

  • Professor Ian Goldin - Professor of Globalisation and Development at the University of Oxford and the Director of the Oxford Martin Programme on Technological and Economic Change
  • ​Emma Marcegaglia - Chair and CEO of Marcegaglia Holding S.p.A. (Italy)
  • Johan Melander - Credit Director Electrolux APAC & MEA 

  • Edwin Kuhlman - Atradius Head of Global Commercial Underwriting Team and Head of Underwriting for the Netherlands

Per saperne di più

from crisis to opportunity

De-globalisation – a new way to trade

The pandemic has unquestionably shaken up trading relationships and supply chains, forcing some businesses to look to new markets or to re-shore their manufacturing capabilities. Watch our panel or sign up to receive the summary.

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